
Organic Fit für Android

  • Kostenlos

  • In Deutsch
  • V 3.0.0
  • 4.1

  • Sicherheitsstatus


Organic Fit: Abnehmen und fit werden mit maßgeschneiderten Workouts und gesunden Mahlzeiten

Organic Fit is a lifestyle app developed by Organic Apps Inc for Android users. This free app offers personalized workouts and custom healthy meals to help users lose weight, get fit, or live a healthier lifestyle.

With Organic Fit, you can do your workouts anywhere - outdoors, at home, or at the gym - as you don't need any machines, just your own body weight. The app allows you to focus on your "problem zones" by selecting the most effective exercises for those areas and creating an individualized program.

No more guessing how to perform exercises correctly, as Organic Fit provides easy-to-follow videos that show you exactly how each exercise is meant to be done. The app also offers over 150 special exercises tailored for weight loss success, which have been proven to deliver positive results.

In addition to workouts, Organic Fit provides interval training for running and walking, helping you burn the maximum calories. The app also offers a quick survey to create a custom meal plan consisting of healthy, satisfying meals.

To keep you motivated, Organic Fit provides daily tips to help you on your weight loss journey. The app also sets milestones for weight control, breaking down your target weight into smaller goals.

For those who use Apple Health, Organic Fit integrates with the app to collect your steps history.

Overall, Organic Fit is a comprehensive fitness app that offers personalized workouts, healthy meal plans, and helpful features to support your weight loss and fitness goals. Download the app now and start your journey towards a healthier lifestyle.

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Organic Fit für Android

  • Kostenlos

  • In Deutsch
  • V 3.0.0
  • 4.1

  • Sicherheitsstatus

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